Tag Archives: Confessions

We miss you!
…not only my place of employment, but also my home. On March 16th , the Axe House temporarily closed its doors due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions put in place by the government. Myself and my fellow coaches have been spending our days at home, just like everyone else. Some of my coaches have made […]

Choosing an Axe
So now that you have your technique down, it’s time to get an axe of your own. There are so many styles and companies to choose from, so where do you get started? I recommend checking out your local hardware store, Home Depot or Lowes. Please note, when choosing an axe, be aware that some […]

The ‘Canadian flick’
One throwing technique that many find helpful is typically referred to as the “Canadian Flick”. I know I said to avoid wrist flicking but this is a completely different type of flicking. The motion is more like throwing a dart while stepping in. You line up your shot with your dominant foot. For example. if […]

Axe Throwing 101
So, you want to be an axe thrower? Not sure where to get started? Well you have come to the right place, my friend. As fun and addicting as axe throwing can be, it can also be quite frustrating when getting started. Here you can find some tips and tricks to getting started and improving […]
Axe-citing announcement
Coach Freya here with an exciting announcement… and a #trickshot @confessionsofanaxethrower